
To Native English Speakers

English Guide to FMEC, an inter-cultural English conversation club in Chiba Japan.

To Native English Speakers

Funabashi Multilinguals English Club is a non-profit organization founded in April of 2015 for Japanese and other nationalities to practice and enjoy speaking English.
Needless to say, we open to native-English speakers, and the gatherings can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
We meet every Friday evening to engage in various discussions, informal chats.

Since we believe that friendship amongst the members is important, we have dinner at a nearby restaurant after Friday's meeting.
In return for your presence in the meeting, you can attend the dinner party for a discounted rate of just ¥1,000. If you have the time to spare, we would love to see you at the dinner party. Many members attend every week and it’s a great place to meet new people and learn more about each other.
But please note that if you join the meeting after 20:10, when the second part of our practice is over, you will be required to pay the same price as non-native English speakers.

Finally, please read the “FMEC Attendee Terms & Conditions” before your signing up on Meetup. We also ask you to put on name cards with green strap written "FMEC Authorized English Speaker", because this is a sign you're a native English speaker free to join the meeting, and get an incentive for a dinner party.

Thank you for your support and understanding, we look forward to seeing you at our meeting.


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